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In the wake of last month's Supreme Court decision that leaves it up to each state to decide how it wishes to deal with abortion, actions aimed at amending state constitutions are taking place in Arizona and Kansas.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says he plans to leave his position by the end of President Joe Biden's first term, and an advocate for health freedom will not be sad to see him go.
The disgraced public school board in Loudoun County, Virginia, where the sexual assault of a teen girl was covered up to protect a transgender student, is back in the news after it attempted to stop a grand jury that is investigating the sickening cover-up.
Those who have chosen to die on the hill of abortion and sexual confusion clearly have picked a side in the great cosmic struggle of good versus evil. But they don't have to stay on that side.
$5 million may not be the only thing a former Southwest flight attendant gets after she was fired for taking a stand for life.
A left-wing environmental group is deflating tires on SUVs in some of America’s most liberal cities, in the name of fighting climate change, but a critic of the group calls that dumb public relations.
A former athlete is speaking out against the University of Pennsylvania's decision to nominate a biological male for an NCAA award created to honor senior female student-athletes.
Nancy Pelosi believes Joe Biden and his administration will spend its political capital trying to muscle abortion expansion through the Senate. “This is something that is core to who we [Democrats] are,” said Pelosi, adding that abortion-on-demand “is something that the president is wedded to.”
A physician and medical ethicist is shaming far-left organizations that are reassuring teachers no innocent child is too young, and no mind too immature, to upend their childhood if they think they are the opposite sex.
He's a minority politician, a former cop, and currently sits in arguably the highest-profile elected municipal position in America … but is he "presidential material"? Some Democrats evidently think so.