
Search Results for "electric vehicles"

Found 61 records when searching for electric vehicles

  • Golden State's getting its 'field of dreams'

    Golden State's getting its 'field of dreams'

    April 04, 2023

    The EPA is clearing the way for California's rules that will phase out the sale of diesel-powered trucks. But not everyone thinks this is a great idea.

  • 'Free' money comes with strings

    'Free' money comes with strings

    January 24, 2023

    There's no such thing as a free lunch, and according to a research fellow for energy and environmental issues, the same can be said about the tax credits included in a new federal law.

  • Large-scale power disruption: The threat is real – but are you ready?

    Large-scale power disruption: The threat is real – but are you ready?

    December 20, 2022

    Recent attacks on a pair of substations in the Pacific Northwest put the spotlight on America's electric grid – and caused one expert to question the public's preparedness for a large-scale disruption in power.

  • Biden needs lower gas prices from companies he vowed to destroy

    Biden needs lower gas prices from companies he vowed to destroy

    November 02, 2022

    American voters keep telling pollsters our country is headed in the wrong direction, and Democrats are expected to pay a price for that on Election Day, but President Joe Biden keeps insisting he is not responsible for hard times but he knows who is.

  • Seminary in Cuba survived Castro; it will survive Ian

    Seminary in Cuba survived Castro; it will survive Ian

    September 28, 2022

    While U.S. states will have a chore to recover after the destruction brought by Hurricane Ian, they will have the luxury of available resources. Not so in Cuba.

  • The Golden State seems to make the rules

    The Golden State seems to make the rules

    September 09, 2022

    As California plans to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered automobiles by 2035, an expert on climate and environmental policy points out that what happens in California will not likely stay in California.

  • It's not really you. It really is them.

    It's not really you. It really is them.

    September 06, 2022

    We’re told that Attorney General Merrick Garland, who labeled concerned parents as potential terrorists, is now a hero of good government because he has warned FBI whistleblowers not to talk to Congress.

  • Gov't 'green' mandates … and their impact on your choice of car

    Gov't 'green' mandates … and their impact on your choice of car

    August 23, 2022

    A business analyst says a lending policy change by a bank in Australia should be a warning to Americans that their own government's "green energy" push for electric vehicles could get very serious, very soon.

  • Democrats celebrate deceitful 'feat' that certainly does a lot

    Democrats celebrate deceitful 'feat' that certainly does a lot

    August 10, 2022

    Much like the fast-climbing inflation rate that sent grocery prices and gasoline through the roof, criticism is reaching a fever pitch over the Inflation Reduction Act that is being condemned for being a dishonest, economy-wrecking disaster that is a left-wing wish list in disguise.

  • Even electric vehicles not safe from environmental group

    Even electric vehicles not safe from environmental group

    July 19, 2022

    A left-wing environmental group is deflating tires on SUVs in some of America’s most liberal cities, in the name of fighting climate change, but a critic of the group calls that dumb public relations.