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A Pennsylvania lawmaker is taking a shot at the Texas Heartbeat Law in his own legislature.
Two pro-life groups are asking a federal appeals court to uphold their First Amendment actions on a Washington, D.C. sidewalk that ended with the arrest of two activists who defied police orders.
A national defense analyst says the U.S. Marine officer who risked his career to denounce the bungled exit in Afghanistan, where 13 servicemembers were killed, will likely be booted from the service.
A national pro-life organization says it has yet another reason to alert the public about the radical pro-abortion polices of the Biden administration.
The GOP needs to pick up only five seats next year to regain control of the House. Given how Democrats are running our government – not to mention the fact that Joe Biden has put his presidential seal on the far-left wing of his party – 2022 should be a big year for Republicans.
An outspoken opponent of COVID shot and mask mandates for students is getting ready to challenge a California school board that recently voted to mandate vaccines for all staff and eligible students as a condition of in-person learning.
After more than a year and a half of lockdowns, mandates, and economic damage, it may be up to historians will decide whether the situation was overplayed, but a Christian medical doctor says the fact remains that many people have lost their lives to the virus.
A Michigan pro-lifer says the state's Democratic governor has gone all out for abortion.
COVID-19 has launched countless heated debates and discussions, as well as arguments and accusations, and now the topic of natural immunity is finally getting some national attention, too.
An international Christian television broadcaster is directing programming to Afghanistan, where Christian believers under Taliban rule are pleading for the Church to pray for their safety.