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DirectTV says it is making a routine business decision by dropping One America News Network from its satellite TV lineup but that decision comes after parent company AT&T was pressured for most of 2021 to get rid of the right-wing nuisance.
The stunning collapse of Joe Biden’s presidency, which is happening in real time right now, is being reflected in poll numbers that show frustrated voters are abandoning the failing president and Democratic Party leaders in Congress. At the White House, meanwhile, the plan is to remind the unenlightened public how great Biden really is.
As the one-year mark in Joe Biden's term as president approaches, a media watchdog is pointing out some important news stories related to the president that appear to have been put on ice.
It's a new day in the Commonwealth of Virginia – and it started with an acknowledgement that God is the true sovereign on the earth.
A senior army strategist and Pentagon advisor says Joe Biden is chasing away young people who otherwise would enlist in the military.
Citizens of some cities are using every possible method available to ban abortion where they live.
Are there enough good people to enforce a major course correction and get this country on a path that embraces biblical morality? I don’t know.
Though it may sound like a joke, a Christian apologist says an elementary school in Moline, Illinois actually has an After School Satan Club.
The billionaire part-owner of an NBA team was caught in a moment of brutal honesty in his own podcast, admitting he doesn’t care about China’s torture of its native Uyghur population, and the backlash for being honest has been brutal, too.
More localized events are being planned as the annual rally in protest of abortion approaches.