The mainstream media (MSM) has been reporting practically nonstop about several things they figure the public needs to know – such as the push to vaccinate all Americans, how "out of touch" moderate Democrats are, any act that can remotely be labeled as "white supremacy" … and of course, the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
But Curtis Houck of Media Research Center says the three network evening newscasts pretty much dropped the ball on four crucial storylines during Biden's first year: (1) the crisis along the southern border, (2) Biden's radical nominees for his administration and the bench, (3) son Hunter Biden's laptop scandal and his connection to "the big man?" … and (4) the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

"… The broadcast networks in August, when [Afghanistan] collapsed, gave 409 minutes on their network evening newscast – but we fast forward just to October and it plummeted to 16 minutes," the MRC spokesman notes.
He makes the case that the networks' silence on the Hunter Biden scandals – which totaled about five minutes for the entire year – points out their hypocrisy.
"When prints of his paintings sold for $75,000 each in October, that's a very straightforward thing – [not unlike] the sort of thing that the media were covering regarding [Donald Trump's] hotels, which involved his sons Eric and Don Junior," Houck describes.
Houck does acknowledge that the media is starting to take a critical look at some of Biden's many blunders – the economy, the administration's COVID response, and the president's political ineffectiveness. But he argues that's mostly because they're bored without the man they labeled "Orange Man Bad."
"Some of the criticism that you're seeing of Biden from the news media is partially due to a lack of Trump on the national scene," Houck says.
Read report on MRC study:
How the networks buried one year of Biden's disasters, failures and controversies