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It'll take an appeal or legislative remedy to correct what one California legal expert believes is a travesty of justice to the unborn.
A pro-family leader in Illinois is taking lawmakers there to task for talking about putting "emergency contraceptives" in college vending machines when they should be dealing with things.
A self-described "DADvocate" says an international health agency's suggested prevention for Down syndrome is off target.
There is no blanket "hate speech" exception to the First Amendment – unless one happens to attend a particular public university in southern Colorado.
Smoking? Alcohol? Pornography? What behaviors will send you to hell? It's critical that you know what you need to do right now to enter into Heaven – because none of us is promised a tomorrow here on earth.
Some eye-opening statistics have come from the American Values Atlas about young Americans and their support for the homosexual movement, and a Christian apologist says independent-minded young adults are standing firm.
A court fight over redistricting in Ohio will likely postpone a May primary, says a Republican congressional candidate whose name is on the ballot.
The state of Oregon has issued an annual report on doctor-assisted suicide, where the practice is legal after passage of the Death with Dignity Act, and a pro-life group says there are some worrisome concerns for those who embrace life.
Delving into the results of a recent study, a Christian apologist detects that even some people who claim no religious affiliation – often referred to as "nones" – think America is stronger because of religious belief.
Ukraine is putting up a heroic fight against the Russian invaders, and AFN is getting confirmation that Russian soldiers are discouraged and disillusioned.