Speaking last week about a man’s plan to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh, political analyst David Gregory called that a “horrifying” crime story to witness and said Democrats need to be condemning it but many are not.
That comment comes after AFN reported ratings-challenged CNN is operating with a new boss, Chris Licht. He is reportedly on alert to put an end to biased, left-wing talking points by the network's top names and move the news network toward more fact-driven coverage.
Reacting to Gregory’s unusual observation, Nicholas Fondacaro of the Media Research Center says we may be seeing the first signs of that change. Maybe.
“It's probably going to take a little bit of time for us to actually see any sort of substantive change,” he says, “but David Gregory seems to be, perhaps, an early adopter.”
Gregory’s blistering comments were so unusual for CNN that cable news rival Fox News took notice.

“I mean, activism has its place, of course. Speaking out has its place,” Gregory commented during a panel discussion. “But to threaten a Supreme Court justice and his family, outside of his home, is beyond the pale – cannot be tolerated.”
Yet it is being tolerated. The young man’s admitted plan to break into Kavanaugh’s home and kill him has been ignored by the mainstream news and even downplayed by the Left because he didn’t carry out his plans.
There has also been silence from prominent Democrats, too, which Gregory seemed to notice.
“The truth is that a lot of people on the left, who are in political power,” he complained, “are being so hypocritical about this.”