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A ruling announced this week from the U.S. Supreme Court marked a major win for the Thomas More Law Center but the decision is being viewed by many, on the left and the right, as a win for all.
For more than a year, Dr. Anthony Fauci – the White House's public face on all things COVID – has dominated headlines surrounding the coronavirus. Now a lack of accountability is being blamed for his constant flow of baseless recommendations.
North Carolina’s black lieutenant governor is expressing disbelief after the state’s second-largest public school district shelled out $25,000 to hear controversial author Ibram X. Kendi lecture public school teachers about being white, capitalist racists.
A pastor is challenging churches to partner up with their local pro-life pregnancy centers.
A spokesman for a community of Christians that comes together to support persecuted believers in more than 60 countries says religious minorities in India need international help as they continue to deal with persecution.
Ohio pro-lifers are pressing their state legislature to save the lives of more premature babies.
A longtime Southern Baptist pastor, educator, and apologist is fleshing out his priorities if he is chosen to lead his denomination's public policy group.
Some Catholics are confused over a letter from Rome that praises the work of a priest who has focused his efforts on LGBTQ people within the church.
Pro-lifers in Iowa are celebrating a decision from the state's highest court that could greatly curtail the influence of Planned Parenthood when it comes to sex education in public schools.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, the always-controversial Democrat congresswoman, has created more problems for her party after suggesting Jewish colleagues are unwilling to stand up for justice and accusing them of being anti-Islamic.