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  • Evil isn't giving up on Ireland

    Evil isn't giving up on Ireland

    August 03, 2021

    A defender of life says the push for assisted suicide will continue in Ireland.

  • NY Dems push state to keep Chick-fil-A off major highway

    NY Dems push state to keep Chick-fil-A off major highway

    August 02, 2021

    Democratic lawmakers in New York are pressuring their state to ban Chick-fil-A from building any restaurants down a major new tollway because the popular Christian food chain has donated to pro-family groups that have stood against LGBTQ activism.

  • Conservatives move preemptively before UMC split becomes official

    Conservatives move preemptively before UMC split becomes official

    August 02, 2021

    With the inevitable denominational split already on next year's agenda, a group of conservative United Methodists in Georgia have taken matters into their own hands so they can determine their own future.

  • Jerusalem-based ministry an eyewitness to future

    Jerusalem-based ministry an eyewitness to future

    August 02, 2021

    A Messianic Jewish believer says he has been studying prophetic Old Testament passages in light of the pandemic from locked-down Jerusalem and is watching to see the future unfold.

  • Non-woke docs warning of purge spreading like virus

    Non-woke docs warning of purge spreading like virus

    August 02, 2021

    Transgender and race-conscious wokeness are spreading among America’s medical schools like a malignant tumor, where the far-left demand to cite personal pronouns and use terms such as “pregnant person” have devolved to the point that professors are being punished by their own “woke” students and are meeting in secret to discuss how to survive.

  • Pro-life group knows where 'overpopulation' solution leads

    Pro-life group knows where 'overpopulation' solution leads

    August 02, 2021

    A controversial nominee to lead the U.S. Bureau of Land Management is already under fire for her radical environmental views and now a pro-life group has taken notice, too.

  • COVID vaccine: Evangelicals are unconvinced

    COVID vaccine: Evangelicals are unconvinced

    August 02, 2021

    While evangelical leaders are conflicted on the subject of the COVID-19 vaccine, research shows that evangelical Christians are the least likely religious group in the U.S. to get it.

  • Strong families are the key to a strong America

    Strong families are the key to a strong America

    August 02, 2021

    The nation's premier organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family has a new project it hopes will make politicians more concerned about families.

  • School choice popularity 'higher than ever'

    School choice popularity 'higher than ever'

    August 02, 2021

    Missouri Governor Mike Parson (R) is getting praise for signing on to House Bill 349, a bill to create a charitable scholarship program that allows qualified students to attend the school of their choice.

  • Ethics should be a factor in research

    Ethics should be a factor in research

    August 02, 2021

    A university in California continues to harvest tissue from aborted babies, despite outspoken opposition and despite the availability of ethical research methods.