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America's largest Protestant denomination was rocked by allegations nearly three years ago by reports that its leadership covered up sexual abuse within the church for two decades. Now, perhaps, there will be some transparency.
The book "What Every Christian Should Know" is out of print – but it should be in every Christian's library. It contains writings from scholars considering topics such as the decline of Christianity, and what that means to the survival of humanity itself.
A nonpartisan organization that fights to end sexual exploitation supports a West Coast state's recent move to assist trafficking victims and recommends that other states follow suit.
A Christian-conservative law firm continues to speak out against Supreme Court reforms.
An immigration border enforcement organization is blasting new U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) guidance that shields "virtually every illegal alien from deportation."
Now that Dr. Francis Collins is stepping down at the National Institutes of Health, it is doubtful the Biden administration would allow a medical leader to head the agency who openly stands up for pro-life principles in science and medicine, a pro-life researcher says.
Vaccine mandates are hitting broad swaths of Americans … but according to a recent op-ed they are specifically targeting people of faith.
The public is learning about an Orwellian attempt by the Biden administration to review virtually every bank account of every American under the guise of looking for tax-cheating rich people.
Conservatives clearly aren't happy with a plan by the Department of Justice to investigate parents' interactions with school boards that were labeled as "threats" and "acts of violence."
The nation’s highest court will hear a landmark Second Amendment case next month, the first gun-related appeal to make it to the court in more than a decade, and a gun-rights advocate predicts gun owners and the U.S. Constitution will win.