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  • PJI pushes back against new Palm Beach policy

    PJI pushes back against new Palm Beach policy

    October 11, 2021

    A legal defender of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties has filed a lawsuit against the School District of Palm Beach County in Florida for its "illegal facial covering policy."

  • Will projected GOP gains be enough?

    Will projected GOP gains be enough?

    October 11, 2021

    While a conservative activist is encouraged by Biden's sinking poll numbers, he says by the time Republicans can regain power, it will be a tough undertaking to reverse the damage the liberal Democrats have done.

  • 'Voyage of Life' presents the facts

    'Voyage of Life' presents the facts

    October 11, 2021

    A pro-life organization is inviting everyone to join them on an online voyage that uses modern medicine and science to tell more about the development of each human being from fertilization to birth.

  • Brave docs urge colleagues to protect gender-confused children

    Brave docs urge colleagues to protect gender-confused children

    October 09, 2021

    Risking a vicious backlash from radical homosexual-rights activists, European medical professionals are sending a global message about making children with gender dysphoria guinea pigs in the same of transgender rights.

  • Pray … vote … stand … in all the challenges of life

    Pray … vote … stand … in all the challenges of life

    October 08, 2021

    The Pray Vote Stand Summit, sponsored by Family Research Council, concluded Friday in Virginia. On the final day, attendees heard from a variety of speakers – and about a variety of issues.

  • 'Diversity quotas' out of bounds for this federal agency

    'Diversity quotas' out of bounds for this federal agency

    October 08, 2021

    The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission is being sued for overstepping its authority and attempting to "social engineer."

  • Catholic leader won't give up effort to expose Marxist ties

    Catholic leader won't give up effort to expose Marxist ties

    October 08, 2021

    A Catholic insider known for holding the Catholic Church accountable is warning there is something akin to a virus that has infiltrated the top leadership that has aligned itself with abortion, homosexuality, and even Marxist-based revolution.

  • SBC president decries 'indifference' but sermon labeled ear-tickling talk

    SBC president decries 'indifference' but sermon labeled ear-tickling talk

    October 08, 2021

    The president of the Southern Baptist Convention says churches are "indifferent" to the issues of race and racial reconciliation, a bold claim considering the SBC has been confronting the issue of racism for decades, but the denomination’s new leader insists racism is killing the churches and the gospel message.

  • When bullets start flying, defiant Taiwan will keep fighting...alone

    When bullets start flying, defiant Taiwan will keep fighting...alone

    October 08, 2021

    Taiwan will fight a losing battle against China’s overwhelming military might if that short-lived war happens, a national security expect predicts, but he also predicts the world will witness many on the tiny island die in battle rather than bow to the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Optimism abounds in TX despite legal obstacle to pro-life law

    Optimism abounds in TX despite legal obstacle to pro-life law

    October 08, 2021

    The state of Texas is appealing a federal judge's decision to block the Heartbeat Act – and pro-lifers are confident the ruling won't hold up during the appeal process.