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An "eternal purpose coach" says the church needs to be awakened to the problem of human trafficking and trained in how to help people heal from it.
An organization committed to ensuring that young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom and traditional values is drawing attention to a recent event at a New York university where students called for Thanksgiving to be erased.
Some parents in Wisconsin are suing a school district over what an attorney on the case calls an "incredibly significant" policy that is not the only of its kind.
An advocate for health freedom says the COVID outbreak at a rest home in Connecticut, where 87 of the 89 infected residents and staff were fully vaccinated against the virus, is proof that the vaccine mandates are not actually about health.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is being ripped for a recent decision on the Holy Eucharist and whether it can be held back from those who reject church teachings.
More than a third of Protestant pastors are seriously considering leaving full-time ministry, according to a survey from the Barna Group. For those pastors, the advice from a longtime minister is to find a friend and mentor, and quit trying to do it all perfect.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has, for now, suspended implementation and enforcement of President Joe Biden's rule that private sector workers get COVID shots or test negative as a condition of employment.
A national security analyst, reacting to Russian troops massed near Ukraine’s border, says the tactic appears to be a political threat about NATO alliances rather than a pending invasion of tanks and soldiers.
Congresswoman Liz Cheney deserves to be punished by her own Republican leaders back home after turning her back on them, says a longtime political analyst.
A pro-life student group says it is witnessing more and more hostile attacks against its message and its messengers on today’s college campuses, where a new generation of far-left students who are unable to handle opposing views in the classroom are certainly triggered by the reality of what happens inside an abortion clinic.