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It's self-destructive, says an immigration reform organization, for the most populous city in America to allow noncitizens to vote in municipal elections.
Corrupt Democrats almost never face punishment for their crimes. It doesn't matter how glaring the evidence.
Empty store shelves are related to the virus pandemic because the new variant is creating labor shortages that are impacting even getting eggs to the grocery store shelves.
As the Golden State gears up to legalize prostitution, an organization that exists "because people should be free to live and love without sexual abuse and exploitation" is hoping the people will put a stop to it.
Employment for black Americans has plummeted under the Biden administration and a conservative black group says Joe Biden is to blame for the failure.
An immigration watchdog predicts Democrats will refuse to retreat from their wildly unpopular stance on illegal immigration and the porous southern border, and they will do so partly because of their unhinged hatred of Donald Trump.
Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin -- a retired, 36-year veteran of the U.S. Army -- has seen a lot of things, but he says he's "more concerned about our military today" than he's ever been in his life.
A conservative activist says Democrats want to use a section of the 14th Amendment to keep Donald Trump and other conservatives from being able to run for office.
Idaho is working to limit abortion and has legislation ready to go in place should Roe v. Wade get overturned.
A Christian legal ministry says the city of Boston has violated the First Amendment by censoring a private flag in a public forum merely because the application form referred to the flag as “Christian.”