
Search Results for "election integrity"

Found 112 records when searching for election integrity

  • Dems become the election deniers they scoffed

    Dems become the election deniers they scoffed

    November 07, 2022

    Democrats don’t want Republicans to have a mandate to govern, so they’re doing everything they can to make the election aftermath messy and illegitimate. But the electorate isn’t buying it.

  • Court decisions lauded as critical for election integrity

    Court decisions lauded as critical for election integrity

    November 03, 2022

    A public policy analyst says two court decisions within days of Tuesday's midterm elections confirm the need for conservatives to take a stand and do whatever they can to ensure integrity in the election process.

  • Musk allowing free speech on Twitter 'mayhem' to wild-eyed Leftists

    Musk allowing free speech on Twitter 'mayhem' to wild-eyed Leftists

    November 02, 2022

    A free speech advocate says it’s very telling to witness the Far Left melt down over Twitter’s new top boss, Elon Musk, who is vowing to clamp down on left-wing censorship and make the social media site more free and more open for right-wing views.

  • Ignore the polls – they often get it wrong on purpose before reality hits

    Ignore the polls – they often get it wrong on purpose before reality hits

    October 25, 2022

    Joe Biden's gambit to turn the election into a referendum on abortion instead of ruinous inflation, crime, the border crisis, class warfare, trans madness, COVID tyranny and other Democrat-authored calamities is not going to work.

  • Contracting a win without apology

    Contracting a win without apology

    September 20, 2022

    After noodling with a number of conservatives about what might make a compelling Contract with America in the upcoming election, a mere seven weeks away, I've come up with these 12 ideas.

  • A victory for election integrity in Biden territory

    A victory for election integrity in Biden territory

    September 16, 2022

    A former Justice Department attorney says a court ruling in Joe Biden's home state against mail-in voting upholds the rule of law, thereby ensuring that even losers of elections can agree with the results.

  • An effort to end 'dark money' donations

    An effort to end 'dark money' donations

    September 06, 2022

    A public interest law firm says Michigan's secretary of state has her hands on the scales when it comes to elections, and they are taking legal action to see that it stops.

  • Another political bias push activated

    Another political bias push activated

    August 15, 2022

    A free speech advocate sees Twitter's Civic Integrity Policy for what it is.

  • If public had forgotten, Mar-a-Lago raid jogs memories of corrupt DOJ

    If public had forgotten, Mar-a-Lago raid jogs memories of corrupt DOJ

    August 11, 2022

    Recent comments from President Joe Biden about the “honor” and “integrity” of the U.S. Department of Justice are being called laughable in light of the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home, where the same federal agency that has allowed criminals to walk free raided Mar-a-Lago with a search warrant on behalf of the National Archives.

  • Definition of 'legislature' causing a fuss

    Definition of 'legislature' causing a fuss

    July 21, 2022

    A former Justice Department attorney isn't sure if the Supreme Court is "ready to swallow" an idea that would solidify state legislatures' control over laws governing federal elections.