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Democrats realize they are losing the Hispanic vote, and one community leader expects policy changes will only be a last-ditch effort to keep the GOP from benefiting at the polls.
The Supreme Court's verdict regarding the fate of Roe vs. Wade is expected by the week's end. And while the left continues to stir the pot, a pro-lifer remains optimistic.
A ruling this week by the U.S. Supreme Court over a Maine program for tuition assistance went far beyond helping the state’s high school students, according to a religious liberty law firm.
The U.S. Army has been exposed for ambushing its future army officers with controversial lessons based on Marxist-based Critical Race Theory, and the reaction to that revelation is head-shaking regret at a once-great military being poisoned by wokeness.
The potential for mass deprivation of civil liberties simply cannot be understated in the context of end-stage America's woke psychosis.
With an upcoming conference, conservatives are reaching beyond the traditional base in hopes of regaining the influence the movement once knew.
A scholar of contemporary antisemitism is not surprised that one of America's most prestigious universities is showing its bias against Israel.
A political pundit does not believe yet another election in Israel will change the political gridlock that has plagued the country in recent years.
A pro-life attorney considers a proposal before the California Legislature to be one of the worst abortion bills ever.
A 6-3 decision from the U.S. Supreme Court is being described as a victory for both families and religious liberty, even as the public waits for the high court to release its Dobbs ruling in coming days.