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  • One more down: Marines gain legal victory in melee over mandates

    One more down: Marines gain legal victory in melee over mandates

    August 22, 2022

    A religious freedom law firm says the "lawlessness" of the Biden administration – as demonstrated by its relentless inoculation mandates on the U.S. military – has been shut down again by the courts, this time in the Marine Corps.

  • Pro-abortion state funds PRCs for assistance

    Pro-abortion state funds PRCs for assistance

    August 22, 2022

    Pregnancy resource centers in a destination state for abortion are getting a revenue boost for an anticipated increase in needs.

  • McConnell ripped for cowardly 'candidate quality' remark

    McConnell ripped for cowardly 'candidate quality' remark

    August 22, 2022

    Sen. Mitch McConnell is predicting the Republican Party could suffer serious losses on Election Day because of less-than-stellar GOP candidates, and that prediction is drawing the ire of a political scientist for tossing struggling candidates under the bus.

  • Game creators decide abortion wins

    Game creators decide abortion wins

    August 22, 2022

    A pro-life leader is raising awareness about a party game that is raising money for abortion and insulting life-affirming Americans.

  • 'Godsend' a little Godfatheresque

    'Godsend' a little Godfatheresque

    August 22, 2022

    The Biden administration continues to claim the Inflation Reduction Act will help people save money on prescription drugs, but some observers say there are negatives that should be considered.

  • Survivor of Mao's murders shares advice: Fight and keep fighting

    Survivor of Mao's murders shares advice: Fight and keep fighting

    August 19, 2022

    A Chinese-born U.S. immigrant, who ripped into a woke school board last year for indoctrinating students, is warning parents to be on alert for Marxist-like school teachers and is also warning the public to learn how Communists seize and hold onto power.

  • Parents must step in when Constitution can't

    Parents must step in when Constitution can't

    August 19, 2022

    While a so-called Christian school in New York may have acted within its rights in pressuring students to participate in a drag queen performance, a Christian attorney calls upon parents to push back and protect their kids from such things.

  • Stelter likely first to go if CNN serious about new direction

    Stelter likely first to go if CNN serious about new direction

    August 19, 2022

    Brian Stelter is out at CNN after loyally toting water for Democrats on his weekend show, and a media watchdog predicts more names could be shown the door in an effort to improve the cable news network.

  • A dollar taxed is a dollar donated

    A dollar taxed is a dollar donated

    August 19, 2022

    Citizens and community leaders throughout the country are taking issue with their tax dollars being used to finance the already well-funded abortion industry.

  • UC San Diego planned to to welcome some ethnicities, ignore others

    UC San Diego planned to to welcome some ethnicities, ignore others

    August 19, 2022

    A university-sponsored student orientation was planned at the University of California-San Diego for a selected group of minorities until an education watchdog got involved, and now the university insists the orientation is open to all.