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A pro-lifer believes that her state's uptick in abortion would be much higher were it not for pregnancy help organizations and programs.
Criticism continues over a "60 Minutes" segment featuring a nonagenarian who has a long history of being wrong.
A member of a network of African-American moderates and conservatives says anyone who faces unemployment for contradicting the Left should take legal action.
Education should be freed from the diabolical control of bureaucrats and unions. We need a free market in education with power given to parents to choose where to send their child to school.
The end of Roe last summer means pro-life lawmakers face new challenges in state legislatures across the country because their determined opponents are fighting over abortion, too.
The difficult job police officers face on the streets everyday has become terribly apparent in Chicago, home to some of the nation’s toughest cops but where three took their lives over a matter of days in mid-December.
Conservative activist Gary Bauer has a theory about why leftists who now control the U.S. military want to purge Christians from the ranks.
A pro-life researcher contends a survey on suicide among post-abortion women sends a false and misleading message.
The president of a ministry that advances the lordship of Christ in the public square says when the Idaho Legislature convenes next Monday, the budget won't be the main topic.
A leader in the legal fight against child sexual abuse and other forms exploitation is glad to see a U.S. senator working to provide the government with tools to combat pornography.