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A proponent of freedom in education comments on the political palatability of a proposal that aims to give parents the "loudest voice" in their kids' educational development.
A political activist in Mississippi says even though he considers Tuesday's GOP primary for lieutenant governor a big victory for Democrats, he's certain the governor's mansion will not be turning "blue" in November.
One of the biggest emergencies facing America, a former House member warns, is the number of emergencies being declared by Democrats.
A ministry known worldwide for getting physical, emotional, and spiritual aid quickly to the scene of disasters already has its assessment teams on the ground in Hawaii.
A law firm has announced it is representing a second FBI whistleblower whose descriptions of unlawful punishment and thug-like retaliation mirror the accounts of an FBI special agent who was punished when he said his employer was unlawfully targeting pro-life Americans.
A ministry that works in Haiti says despite the dangers, missionaries there are carrying on.
A legal protector of the free exercise of all faiths says a recent Supreme Court ruling in Philadelphia could affect a couple's case in Massachusetts.
After witnessing Ohio’s lopsided vote on a ballot initiative, a conservative activist says opponents of Issue 1 deserve credit for deceiving constitution-minded voters.
Though recent years have brought a growing acceptance of sin and intolerance toward believers, a Christian pastor says America's troubles started decades ago.
Reporters in the liberal media are so devoid of introspection that they are incapable of imagining that Joe Biden's Justice Department seeking multiple indictments and trials of Donald Trump during an election year defines undemocratic election interference.