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A charismatic political leader and religious figure who denies the truth of Jesus and demands to be worshipped as God may soon appear. According to 1 John 2, the spirit and mindset of the Antichrist is already at work in the world today.
A state court in Alabama has ruled against 42 United Methodist churches that are trying to leave the denomination for more biblical pastures.
A media watchdog that normally documents crazy segments on MSNBC and stupid comments on “The View” has been documenting a more ominous development: George Soros may be ending his years of republic-crushing activism but his son now has the keys.
While he acknowledges a continuing resolution might be distasteful to some, an executive with the National Taxpayers Union argues it's necessary to help Republicans get more meaningful spending cuts in the coming weeks.
Parents in California are suing their state government to fight a school vaccines requirement that does not include a religious exemption.
A former Inspector General is calling on Congress to disband the current Department of Defense Inspector General System, which he argues is failing to protect military members from reprisal and offer impartiality in its investigations.
An immigration enforcement advocacy organization finds it telling that Massachusetts is considering E-Verify.
An expert on China and its government, who is observing the Biden-Xi meeting this week, says Americans must understand what is happening right in front of their eyes: China wants to dominate the planet and only one country stands in its way.
The American Family Association is going on the offense against the multinational technology company.
A conservative activist organization is looking forward to continued success in terms of putting a stop to drag queen shows in public libraries.