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A Christian apologist says Bible-believing churches need to stop letting culture decide how Christ's body operates.
Chris Gacek grew up with the secure feeling of numbers in a large Jewish community in Miami but knew others did not have the same experience.
People of different faiths have different perspectives on Missouri's pro-life law, but the issue isn't that complicated for those who are defending life.
It would be nice to think that Americans have finally had it with the insanity.
As 2023 comes to an end, and a presidential election year comes into view, the congressional makeup after the 2024 elections is anybody’s guess.
A family advocate says the ongoing effort to remove a Christian club from schools is a physical depiction of a spiritual war.
Conservatives agree that focusing on educating instead of indoctrinating is the best way teachers can protect their careers.
While the struggling U.S. Army continues to fail to retain and recruit service members, it has a new tactic: Extend an olive branch to the same uniformed personnel who were punished for refusing the COVID-19 shot. That supposed olive branch, however, is being mocked and scorned.
Avoiding an American version of Chairman Mao Zedong’s murderous takeover of China can only be accomplished by winning back public education from the Marxists, says Xi Van Fleet.
Despite the government's efforts to get more Americans into electric vehicles, interest in the product has stalled.