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A U.S. Border Patrol veteran says if Americans want to understand the Mexican point of view along the southern border, they just need to follow the money.
People sounding the alarm over what they call "man-made climate change" have long pointed to extreme weather as evidence, but a skeptic says those folks didn't have much to point to this year.
An attorney explains the "beauty" of a major ruling the U.S. Supreme Court issued this year for a creative professional in Colorado.
While many in society are eager to assist when a confused child questions his or her gender, daughters pledging to remain chaste until marriage are painted as out of touch … or worse, in the case of House Speaker Mike Johnson.
An immigration attorney is making a bold prediction as the 2024 presidential campaign season ramps up.
Regardless of personal feelings for Donald Trump, Christians need to speak out on his treatment by the Colorado Supreme Court … not for the sake of Trump, but for the sake of America, argues a conservative policy analyst and lobbyist.
One task I had at Sparrows Point was to work an hour inspecting boxes for various prohibited items like pharmaceuticals, potential weapons, war-like toys, etc. It allowed me the opportunity to see the beauty of the hearts of those who made each box.
More and more babies are being saved thanks to Safe Haven Baby Boxes, most recently in Indiana.
Abortion advocates have delivered their instructions to the Democratic Party on what to do in 2024.
A black conservative activist says the state of New York State is considering paying reparations for slavery because minorities are angry over runaway illegal immigration in The Empire State.