More than 100 pro-abortion groups have endorsed their policy agenda, first issued in 2019, but revised since then. The updated "Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Policy Agenda" contains their wish list ranging from new laws to money; and – as stated on the website – "builds upon the many actions that the Biden-Harris administration has taken to advance and defend access to sexual and reproductive health care."
Laura Echevarria of National Right to Life reads from the list of demands found in the blueprint.

"'Comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services including abortion must be covered at no or low cost,'" she says. "They want to – quote – 'ensure that every individual has the means and tools necessary to make their own health care decision within their own beliefs. The personal beliefs of others must not be used to deny or restrict coverage of sexual and reproductive health care' – end quote."
In addition to wanting everyone to have guaranteed access to abortionists, the blueprint also demands: "'The president must put forward and the Senate must only confirm executive nominees who have demonstrated a positive record on reproductive health, rights and justice.' It just goes on and on and on," says Echevarria.
The 53-page abortion blueprint also demands more than a billion dollars to push abortion on Third World countries that don't want abortion; expansion of access to over-the-counter contraception; comprehensive sex-ed for young people; and advancement of telehealth centered on "equity."