Fox News recently released a poll which shows 59% of American voters believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, even though it kills an unborn child.
A year ago, in a similar poll, only 44% wanted abortion to remain legal, the Fox News story pointed out.
Asked to respond to the polling figures, Carol Tobias of the National Right to Life Committee says her first reaction was to hope the numbers are wrong.
"Maybe they talked to the wrong people,” she says, “but it is disheartening to think that more people now support more abortions than they have in previous years.”

Despite the poll, Tobias says she believes most people, down deep, know abortion kills a human being who deserves to live.
“We have seen in poll after poll, year after year,” Tobias tells AFN, “that the American public does want abortion to be allowed for difficult circumstances but, by and large, they don't think abortion should be used as a method of birth control.”
The poll was conducted March 22-25 with 1,094 registered voters.
Abortion ranked as the top issue for Democrats in the survey while the economy is the main issue for Republicans, Fox News said.