AZ guv's executive order didn't go unnoticed by lawmakers

AZ guv's executive order didn't go unnoticed by lawmakers

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AZ guv's executive order didn't go unnoticed by lawmakers

An Arizona state senator says lawmakers are pushing back against what they consider illegal and unconstitutional actions by the Democrat governor, Katie Hobbs.

In an overt effort to support abortion, Gov. Hobbs signed an executive order announcing she is “centralizing authority” to the state attorney general for abortion-related prosecutions that would normally be done by county prosecutors, AFN reported in a June story.

That executive order likely violates Arizona law that states the Attorney General’s Office can “aid” county attorneys, not take away their prosecutorial powers. So state Sen. Jake Hoffman says legislators will not let Gov. Hobbs get away with a P.R. stunt to please her left-wing base.  

“The governor does not get to rule by executive fiat, and unfortunately that's exactly what she's doing,” he tells AFN, “and the Republican-controlled legislature is having none of it.”

Reacting to the executive order, a Senate nominations committee led by Hoffman is now blocking all governor-approved appointments to state agencies until Hobbs agrees to meet and discuss her executive order. An appointment to an insurance oversight agency was the first to be blocked by the committee.

Instead of confirming Arizonans to important roles in state government, Hoffman tells AFN, state lawmakers have been forced to examine the “fallout” from the Governor’s unconstitutional actions.

“As well as the likelihood,” he adds, “of future overreaches of her authority.”

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