After suggesting that pregnancy centers lie to women about their pro-life beliefs, and co-sponsoring a federal bill to punish them, Warren is now claiming women who are suffering miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are not receiving emergency hospital care because of abortion laws.
According to a LifeNews article about Warren, the Massachusetts senator says she is investigating reports women are being denied medical care in abortion-banning states, but the article points out her supposed investigation is only seeking information from abortion-supporting medical groups, such as Physicians for Reproductive Health.
“There is no doubt,” Warren said in a statement that is doubtfully true, “that the blame for such tragedies lays squarely at the feet of extremist Republican state legislators who are willing to risk the lives and safety of women in their pursuit of a rightwing, misogynistic, and out-of-touch agenda.”
Responding to Warren’s claims, Carol Tobias of the National Right to Life Committee tells AFN the senator’s warning is falling far short of the truth.
“Every single state in the country,” Tobias says, “has in their law that treating an ectopic pregnancy, or a miscarriage, is not an abortion.”
Even for a politician, Warren's history of telling the truth is flimsy. She untruthfully claimed for decades she is Native American, which she used to advance in academia. She also claimed she was fired from a school-teaching job for being pregnant. She actually quit even though the school had extended her contract.

Just last week, Sen. Warren recounted a questionable story from her 2020 presidential campaign: Democratic voters confided in her, she told ABC News, they would have supported her if she was a man.
Earlier this summer, Sen. Warren told the news media that Boston-area pregnancy centers deceive women about the services they provide. A review of their websites by AFN showed they openly state they oppose abortion but offer confidential counseling, pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.
According to the LifeNews story, pro-life researchers have reviewed state abortion laws and found “explicit exceptions” for medical treatments, meaning Warren’s claims are dubious at best.
“I’ve never needed to perform an elective abortion,” Dr. Christiana Francis, a pro-life physician, told LifeNews, “and yet I’ve been able to take care of women with ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages throughout my career.”
“A pro-life law that protects unborn children is not going to or should not be endangering her life in any way,” Tobias tells AFN, “because every single law on the books has an exception for life of the mother."