Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican candidate the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, participated in a debate this week in which he declared himself to be pro-life. Two years ago, however, when he was a guest on the syndicated radio show, "The Breakfast Club," his position was different.
"At a personal level, I wouldn't want anyone in my family to have an abortion," he began. "I love the lives that they're creating so much that I personally wouldn't want it, but I don't want to interfere with everyone else's stuff, because it's hard enough to get through life as it is."
In that 2019 interview, Dr. Oz also criticized heartbeat laws, which have since been passed in several states, banning abortions if the baby's heartbeat can be detected.
"I think the rule that most Americans seem to support is if the child was viable outside the womb, then you don't want to kill that child," he stated. "If the child was not going to be able to survive outside the mom, then the mom runs the show."

Maria Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Political Action Committee (PAC) says Dr. Oz has definitely changed his tune and is now pro-life.
"He's backed that up in many debates, on his website, in interviews, [and] in questionnaires," she lists. "Dr. Oz is pro-life, and we welcome him to the pro-life movement. We're very thankful that Dr. Oz is pro-life."
The pro-life PAC has not endorsed any of the candidates in Pennsylvania but supports them all because they are all pro-life. Former President Donald Trump, however, has endorsed Oz for the Senate seat.