Planned Parenthood this year admitted its bigoted past against minority Americans and within its own ranks. In the words of, "Planned Parenthood was racist under Margaret Sanger, [and] nothing has changed."

"They said at the time that 39% of their customers were people of color. But as we looked at it, out of the 53 chief executive officers, only three were black, two were Hispanic, and all the rest were white," Jim Sedlak of the American Life League (ALL) reminds American Family News.
Meanwhile, at least 70% of Planned Parenthood's child termination centers are located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. Research also reveals the few minorities who hold the top executive positions are paid considerably less than the white executives -- less than half, in fact.
"All three of the black CEOs make less than that, including the lowest-paid black CEO, who is the lowest-paid CEO of any CEO in the Planned Parenthood empire," Sedlak relays. "Her affiliate takes in more money than any other affiliates."
That is Kersha Deibel of the Southwest Ohio Region; she reportedly earns $124,000 a year. The average income for the other Planned Parenthood CEOs is $300,000.
ALL also notes that the abortion cartel claimed to have 1.5 million donors a few years ago, but their recently-released 2020 report lists only 500,000 donors.
Mississippi Representative Becky Currie (R), who authored the state's legislation banning abortion at 15 weeks, says if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, then the American public, especially the Church, really needs to step up.
When the Mississippi Legislature passed the Gestational Age Act (HB 1510), it was immediately challenged, and now it is the topic of Dobbs v. Jackson Woman's Health Organization before the U.S. Supreme Court.
On American Family Radio's "Hour of Intercession" with Pastor Joseph Parker, Rep. Currie recently explained why babies ought to be protected at that stage of development.

"At 15 weeks, the baby has all of its major organs," she pointed out. "It can taste the food that the mother eats, it sucks its thumb, but it feels pain. That's why we picked the 15 week bill."
Arguments in the case have already been heard, and a decision is expected next year. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, Rep. Currie reasons more babies will be born.
"Christians have got to help to come up with ways to take care of these children," the state representative implored. "Are there going to be some unwanted children? There will be. We're putting more money into child advocacy centers and pregnancy centers across the state. We're going to have to step up to the plate and help."
That includes people considering adopting one of the children. But with an estimated million people in the country waiting to adopt a child and fewer than 900,000 abortions occurring annually, no child is genuinely unwanted.