Eric Scheidler says the Pro-Life Action League's annual project has proven to be successful in the past.
"We are going out to abortion facilities with our 'Peace in the Womb' Caroling Day," he tells American Family News. "This is where we visit the abortion centers, the places where the abortions actually take place, where unborn children like the Christ child who was in the womb of Mary on their journey to Bethlehem are violently destroyed through the horrible injustice of abortion."
The group stands outside abortuaries and sings Christmas carols about the hope and joy of the birth of Jesus, and Scheidler says the women going in and those already inside hear them and often have a change of heart.
"We decided to gather close to the edge of the building where we knew the waiting room was for our very last carol of the program, and we raised our voices singing 'Silent Night,'" the pro-lifer shares about one particular case. "It was that image of 'round yon virgin, mother and child' that touched the heart of a woman inside the facility who heard our singing and came out and said she could not go through with her abortion."
She was then helped by one of the many pro-life pregnancy centers in the Chicago area.
A list of the nationwide caroling sites is posted on the Pro-Life Action League website.