Hypocrisy, thy name is Hunter

Hypocrisy, thy name is Hunter

Hypocrisy, thy name is Hunter

After the FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on a former president, who is now accused of illegally possessing top-secret documents, it has not gone unnoticed the U.S. Dept. of Justice seems disinterested in the son of the current president whose history of backroom deals with crooked businessmen all over the world seems to lead back to his own father.

One week ago, a small army of FBI agents knocked on the front door of Mar-A-Lago with a search warrant to retrieve documents for the National Archives. What was mocked by Donald Trump supporters as a desperate political stunt has now gotten more serious – to the delight of Trump’s enemies - since he is now accused of possessing top-secret documents.  

Angry at FBI over Trump raid? 'Don't take the bait'

Chad Groening, AFN.net

After law enforcement officers shot and killed an armed man who attempted to enter an FBI building in Cincinnati, an Ohio-based conservative activist says the public must find a more peaceful way to fight back against their corrupt government.  

In the wake of the controversial FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a -Lago estate, a 19-year-old was stopped while trying to enter the field office. The man fled the scene and was pursued by Ohio state troopers, who shot and killed him later that day to end a half-day standoff.

Tom Zawistowski, who leads the We the People Convention, says the attacker’s anger at our government is understandable but his violent plan was not.

“He felt our government – the state – made him feel like that was his only option left. That's a tragedy,” Zawistowski says. “It didn’t happen in a vacuum.”

Zawistowski, Tom (We the People Convention) Zawistowski

After last weekend’s FBI raid, the Dept. of Justice complained it is observing online threats against the agency, including a threat of setting off a dirty bomb, and calls for an “armed rebellion” and “civil war” in the country, Fox News reported.

Just hours after the FBI radio, Texas-based radio host Jesse Kelly warned on Twitter that the Feds are “trying to antagonize you into doing something dumb and illegal so they can send their goons after you. Just like they did on January 6th.”

His advice? “Don’t take the bait,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden was seen climbing the stairs to board Air Force One despite his now-famous laptop and its incriminating content that suggests he used his father’s time as vice president to crisscross the world inking business deals with villainous businessmen. 

Gary Bauer, a veteran of Washington, D.C. politics who leads American Values, tells AFN he could not shake off the image of the scandal-plagued Hunter enjoying a ride on Air Force One at the same time the FBI was serving a search warrant on Donald Trump, who is possibly running in 2024 and remains Enemy No. 1 of the Democratic Party.

Bauer, Gary (American Values) Bauer

“The charges that are possible for Hunter Biden, in any fair system of justice,” Bauer observes, “are 100,000 times more serious than whether President Trump has some documents that you could argue should be in the [National] Archives.”

The image of Hunter Biden climbing aboard Air Force One, Bauer adds, reminds him of Hillary Clinton boarding Air Force One to campaign with then-President Barack Obama. She did that, he says, right after James Comey held a press conference and acknowledged she had broken federal laws but assured the public she had not intended to do so.

AFN reported last week that Trump-hating CNN is now admitting the laptop and its contents have created a serious political problem for President Biden. That supposed revelation could be directly tied to Biden's cratering poll numbers and Democrats growing nervous about him running for re-election in 2024.