During an interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," Cheney (pictured) addressed the issue of her political future in Wyoming where she is seeking re-election as that state's at-large representative. The three-term lawmaker has alienated many Republicans in her state because of her virulent opposition to former President Donald Trump. And on Sunday night, she revealed another bombshell regarding her previous opposition to same-sex "marriage," which at the time led to a bitter falling out with her lesbian sister, Mary.
"I was wrong. I was wrong," she said. "It's a very personal issue – and very personal for my family. I believe that my dad was right. And my sister and I have had that conversation ... Freedom means freedom for everybody."
Her dad, Dick Cheney, was George W. Bush's vice president (2001-2009). He famously stated in 2004 that he disagreed with Bush's call for a constitutional amendment to ban "gay marriage," citing that he and his wife have a "gay daughter."
Cathie Adams serves as first vice-president on the board of Eagle Forum, and is former chair of the Republican Party of Texas. She says Liz Cheney is only making her re-election less likely.

"She's choosing political correctness over what is truly correct in the eyes of God. That is going up against holiness. That is going up against every tradition, everything that our founders believed and even most Americans," she tells AFN. "… Liz Cheney is sealing her own fate."
In what one writer recently called an "egregiously self-destructive decision," Cheney was one of ten House Republicans who voted earlier this year to impeach President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 protest in which participants stormed and occupied the U.S. Capitol for several hours. Afterward she said Trump "summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack." She was admonished for those comments by both state and local GOP officials.