Medical officer dubbed an 'insider threat' after spotlighting COVID data

Medical officer dubbed an 'insider threat' after spotlighting COVID data

Medical officer dubbed an 'insider threat' after spotlighting COVID data

An Army medical officer has recently been called an "insider threat" by his chain of command for providing data in litigation against the U.S. government.

On December 8, 1LT Mark Bashaw – from the Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen (formerly known as the Army Public Health Center) – was counseled by his commander and ordered to turn in his computer. With that, Lt. Col. R. Davis Younts says his command asserted "he [Bashaw] met the criteria for being considered an insider threat." Younts currently serves an Air Force Reserve Judge Advocate General (JAG) and practices law as a civilian attorney.

In an October 2022 declaration, Bashaw called attention to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database (see below), highlighting an 1,100% increase in adverse events from viral vaccines. (Click on image for a larger version)

DMED Enormous Safety Signals in 2021 relating to Viral Vaccines


As a medical officer in the Preventive Medicine/Entomologist area of concentrations, Bashaw's duties are to protect service members from injuries of medical importance, whether that's from diseases caused by insects or other non-battle-related injuries/illnesses.

"In 2021, the Department of Defense rolled out the experimental emergency use authorized (EUA) injections for COVID-19," Bashaw points out, explaining EUA "is important regulatory terminology for a medical product and/or device that has not received FDA approval." He also points out that all COVID-19 masks, tests, and injections are EUA and "with that, a service member and the public has the right to accept or refuse that usage of those products."

In August 2021, the Secretary of Defense mandated that all service members receive the FDA-approved COVID-19 injections. Therein lies a problem, according to Younts. "They [FDA-approved COVID jabs] didn't exist and still to this day don't exist – so commanders were coercing and forcing service members [Bashaw among them] to receive an EUA product through direct orders," he explains.

Younts contends that service members who lawfully chose not to participate with the EUA injections were then "discriminated against with a weaponized EUA testing and masking." Across all branches of the military, these service members were punished and many of them discharged. Those who sought religious accommodations and/or medical accommodations were also denied.

Bashaw, 1LT Mark Bashaw

Bashaw shares that in September 2021, he began to "officially communicate" the adverse event danger signals found in the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Database (VAERS), regarding the EUA injections. His concerns, he adds, were ignored – time and time again.

"According to Col. Tanya Rans, Chief Immunizations Defense Health Agency, the CDC VAERS database is the Department of Defense's official tool for reporting adverse events from injections and vaccinations," he notes. "So, why were service members not being warned of the signals?" Yet, he says, "the medical community at large would drone on with the rhetoric that it was safe and effective."

In November 2021, according to Younts, Bashaw was "targeted with the discriminatory and weaponized EUA testing and masking." Bashaw then initiated and followed up with a Formal Article 138 UCMJ Complaint with his chain of command that documented violations of discrimination, Army Regulations, Federal statutes, unlawful orders, and specific dangers to public health and safety, the Reserve JAG explains.

As a result, Younts says Bashaw was "swiftly met with whistleblower retaliation" where he was restricted from his place of duty, his record flagged, his promotion withheld, security clearance suspended, threatened with Leavenworth imprisonment, and brought to a court-martial.

Currently, Bashaw has exhausted all internal redress attempts. His chain of command is bent on involuntarily separating him after 17 years of honorable active-duty service to the nation.

"If they're successful," Younts laments, "this will be another one of the many thousands purged from the military since these unlawful mandates began."

Regardless of the repercussions, Bashaw maintains: "I am duty-bound to communicate concerns of a substantial and specific danger to public health and/or safety, disobey unlawful orders, honor my Oath to the Constitution for the United States of America, and glorify my God."

Earlier AFN stories re: 1LT Mark Bashaw
Military whistleblower: Rights of all Americans are on the line  (Aug. 17, 2022)
Standing in the gap for 'thousands' being wronged by DOD (Sept. 12, 2022)

Editor's note: Lt. Col. R. Davis Younts and 1LT Mark Bashaw emphasized to American Family News that their views do not reflect those of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or the Department of the Army.