Non-woke school boards invite wrath for recognizing parental rights

Non-woke school boards invite wrath for recognizing parental rights

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Non-woke school boards invite wrath for recognizing parental rights

After witnessing California's left-wing politicians at their worst, a school board member remains optimistic that more parents are recognizing some public schools are defending their right to be involved in a child's education.

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In another recent example of defiance, Murrieta Valley Unified School District voted 3-2 last week to require its schools to notify parents if their child shows interest in identifying as a member of the opposite sex. With that vote, Murrieta becomes the second California public school district to ignore the transgender-obsessed California Dept. of Education and knowingly invite retribution from liberals in power. 

The first was Chino Valley Unified School District, located southeast of Los Angeles, where school board members voted in late July for a similar parental notification rule. That new rule angered California's attorney general, Rob Bonta, who has announced a civil rights investigation of Chino Valley, AFN has reported.

Much like guerillas fighting behind enemy lines, those school board members know they are outnumbered with political enemies everywhere. This is the same state where the state teachers' union got caught strategizing behind closed doors over how to keep parents in the dark about LGBT activism in the classroom. 

Those two back-to-back school board votes came in spite of intimidating tactics by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who had already threatened the Temecula Valley School District with a $1.5 million fine. That threat came after its board voted not to adopt fourth-grade social studies materials because it idolizes Harvey Milk, the late homosexual rights activist Harvey Milk. 

Newsom framed the discussion as a textbook ban that unfairly singled out Milk, who is considered a pioneer hero among homosexuals activists.  

“If these extremist school board members won’t do their job, we will – and fine them for their incompetence,” Newsom wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

School board president Dr. Joseph Komrosky told Fox News Digital that Newsom’s post was misleading.

“What the governor has conveniently ignored is that members of the Board of Education expressed other significant concerns about the District’s process, including whether it had adequately engaged the community regarding the adoption of curriculum, as well as whether the proposed curriculum adequately addressed the needs of English learners and special education students,” Komrosky said.

The board reversed its decision after Newsom’s threat. Despite that backtracking, Temecula set yet another example of parents getting involved.

Chino actually struck a humiliating blow against the empire when California school superintendent Tony Thurmond clashed with board president Sonja Shaw, a Christian. Shaw cut off Thurmond after his allotted speaking time then chastised him for proposing things she says “pervert children.”

The Murrieta policy mirrors that of Chino if, for example, a student changes their name, the child's parents will be notified, said Nick Pardue, a Murrieta school board trustee. 

"If they decide to use a different gender, to use a different bathroom or participate on a different team, then that would make the school responsible to notify the parents just in case they didn't know,” Pardue told the "Washington Watch" radio program last week. 

Kilgannon, Meg (FRC) Kilgannon

Meg Kilgannon, the Family Research Council’s senior fellow for education studies, told show host Jody Hice she is witnessing other examples of parents standing up for their rights. In Massachusetts, a Catholic couple is suing the state after a foster parent application was denied because the couple said they would not support a child’s desire to change a “God-given sex” and that they believed in “traditional” marriage.

“Parents being shut out in the school system, and now parents being shut out of the foster care system...this is a time for Christians to insert themselves into the process rather than shrinking back,” she said.

Kilgannon noted that the Massachusetts foster care system is in desperate need of parents at this time.

“They have thousands of children who need homes in the foster care system in Massachusetts. The system is in such crisis that they're housing these children in hospitals at times because they don't have enough homes for the foster children who are in need,” she said.

'Mistake' for California to target parents

In his radio interview, Pardue said parents of high school students are usually aware of what their kids are thinking or feeling. It is the parents of kids in lower grades who could be caught off guard – particularly if the child is led a certain way.

“This policy is especially helpful for the younger kids who start dabbling with this, and that's become a fad, a little bit more of more popular because there are some activist teachers that push this agenda," Pardue said. "Kids can really develop a good bond with their teacher, and if they know that that's what the teacher is kind of looking for they might move in that direction." 

Pardue said he has talked with one student in the Murrieta district who did not want to return to junior high because of some of the gender issues they saw on campus.

“It’s important that there's some dialogue, and there's a little bit more understanding, between both the teachers and parents," the school trustee shared. "And that we make sure that kids who are thinking about it are identified so that the parents can intervene." 

Looking into the future, Pardue is hopeful the parent involvement in California is only beginning.

“It’s a mistake for the state of California to be attacking parental rights. I’m really expecting the parents in California to start waking up, and I really think the voters are too. I’m hopeful. I fully expect to see more districts following suit and following our lead and Chino’s lead,” he said.