Previous state law required that all Louisiana educational institutions display the national motto, but thanks to a new measure effective August 1, "In God We Trust" will be in every public school and college or university classroom.
State Representative Dodie Horton (R-LA), the primary author of Act 264, says since she was elected in 2015, she has always tried to glorify God by the way she represents the people.

She points out that the country was founded as "one nation under God." That and the fact that other states like Arkansas have gotten similar legislation passed are what motivated her "to get God back in the classroom" in her own state.
"I want children to see how this country was formed and know that its foundation is God's word," she discloses.
Speaking as a professing Christian, she does not think the motto necessarily elevates a certain religion. It does, however, acknowledge that "the one true God is the reason why American even exists today."
Horton goes on to admit that she is "very excited" and "thrilled" that Act 264 received bipartisan support all the way to Governor John Bel Edwards' (D) desk. "An all God thing," she calls it.
To date, the bill has not been met with much backlash, and for the most part, "the vast majority" of the state has embraced it. Some of Rep. Horton's political opponents, however, have asked why she would waste time on such a bill.
She respectfully disagrees with that assessment.
"Many people have been praying for a way to get God in the class and get the conversation going, and God provided it, seeing it all the way through," she tells AFN.
With a Supreme Court ruling that the Ten Commandments can be on display on public and state buildings, Rep. Horton now plans to bring the Old Testament text into every classroom.
"God can make it happen," she asserts.