As AFN reported last month, Texas A&M University has been sued for its affirmative action policy used in hiring practices. The school wants to attract "faculty of color" and has set aside $2 million to be spent on bonuses for "hires from underrepresented minority groups."
Richard Lowery, an associate professor of finance at UT-Austin, argues in his lawsuit that TAMU's affirmative action policies bar him from getting a faculty job with the university system because he is white. At the time of the lawsuit, Lowery had not formally applied for a position at TAMU, but stood "able and ready" to do so.

Kathleen Wells sits on the advisory board for the Project 21 Black Leadership Network and hosts "The Naked Truth Report," which airs Sundays on a Southern California AM station. She contends that Democrats, black politicians, and liberals in general are destroying "Black America" and undermining American family and culture.
Wells tells AFN that hiring policies such as those at TAMU indicate to her that white liberals are trying to assuage their guilt and failure.
"So, I think Democrats/white liberals or liberals in general … the Democratic Party is trying to make up for their failure for the last seven decades," she shares. "They're overextending themselves or overcompensating for the last seven decades of failure."
Professor Lowery is "very, very brave" for challenging the Texas A&M University System policies, says Wells – who earned degrees at two prestigious universities in California.
"It could not happen on the West Coast at UCLA. I went [there and] to UC-Berkeley Law School. It couldn't happen at Berkeley [either]. Professors must go along with the 'woke' agenda, the Left's agenda," she states.
Lowery is represented in the case by the America First Legal Foundation.