
Search Results for "disney"

Found 94 records when searching for disney

  • History-distorting Disney called 'trash' for preachy 'Proud'

    History-distorting Disney called 'trash' for preachy 'Proud'

    February 15, 2023

    The bad news is Disney is putting its financial support behind an animated TV shows that went all-in on white guilt and revisionist history, but a black conservative activist says the good news is Disney is being punished for its over-the-top wokeness.

  • Most major companies funding what none should

    Most major companies funding what none should

    December 19, 2022

    A pro-life organization has produced a video exposing the truth about how little corporate America actually cares about pregnant employees.

  • When old friends go off the rails

    When old friends go off the rails

    November 29, 2022

    Change is not always good, especially when "wokeism" moves in and stinks up the place. For example, Reader's Digest – known for decades for conservative content – recently vilified parents who are trying to shield their kids from sexually inappropriate content.

  • The biggest winners and losers of 2022 midterms

    The biggest winners and losers of 2022 midterms

    November 28, 2022

    After any election, the true winners and losers are reflected not merely by the tally of votes received but how they are perceived by the public. Here is a brief guide now that the dust has settled on this month’s midterm elections.

  • House member laments his same-sex marriage vote, urges senators to avoid his mistake

    House member laments his same-sex marriage vote, urges senators to avoid his mistake

    November 21, 2022

    If the 12 Republican senators who voted for the Democrats’ same-sex marriage bill don’t have buyer’s remorse, they will.

  • Floridians 'well pleased' with their anti-woke guv

    Floridians 'well pleased' with their anti-woke guv

    November 18, 2022

    A conservative activist in Florida who recalls not initially supporting Ron DeSantis now is giving his popular Republican governor an "atta boy."

  • An unreal election and a state of sanity

    An unreal election and a state of sanity

    November 15, 2022

    On Election Day, voters aged 18 to 29 – the prime target for Joe Biden's billion-dollar student loan debt transfer to taxpayers – broke for Democrats by 28 points. The biggest Republican feel-good story was in the free republic of Florida, which under Ron DeSantis has become a state of sanity.

  • Tenn. drag show, hit with 18-plus restriction, prevented 'child abuse'

    Tenn. drag show, hit with 18-plus restriction, prevented 'child abuse'

    October 28, 2022

    A drag show featuring half-naked homosexual men dressed as women went on as scheduled in Jackson, Tenn. but the lewd entertainment did not involve innocent children thanks to public outcry and a determined state lawmaker.

  • Parents bash school-sanctioned 'Boo Bash'

    Parents bash school-sanctioned 'Boo Bash'

    October 27, 2022

    A legal defender of parental rights says a San Diego mom is rightly leading the charge against her local school board for promoting a Halloween drag queen show.

  • GOP pins midterm success to its update of Gingrich 'Contract'

    GOP pins midterm success to its update of Gingrich 'Contract'

    September 23, 2022

    Hoping to replicate its landslide victory in 1994 when it took control of the House, the national Republican Party has unveiled its midterm election agenda with promises it hopes will invigorate conservatives to head to the polls on November 8.