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  • Colorado home to life-changing decisions, one possibly fatal, over jab

    Colorado home to life-changing decisions, one possibly fatal, over jab

    October 12, 2021

    A Colorado woman who needs a new kidney is being denied the transplant because she is refusing to get a COVID-19 injection, a decision that puts her life at risk, and medical professionals behind that decision are being shamed by a fellow Coloradan who has walked away from a radio show over the same issue.

  • A record year for life-saving legislation

    A record year for life-saving legislation

    October 12, 2021

    State legislators are carrying the ball when it comes to passing pro-life measures, and one pro-lifer says there is still hope for Congress in that area.

  • Even out of office, Trump remains Left's punching bag

    Even out of office, Trump remains Left's punching bag

    October 11, 2021

    A liberal columnist is continuing to fuel the "demonization" of Donald Trump long after the former president has left the Oval Office – and a conservative commentator warns it's not likely to stop anytime soon.

  • Pro-life cop sues over abortion protest suspension

    Pro-life cop sues over abortion protest suspension

    October 11, 2021

    A police officer is suing his department and Louisville, Kentucky accusing them of singling him out for protesting outside an abortion clinic.

  • Poll says public has given up on agenda-driven 'drive-by media'

    Poll says public has given up on agenda-driven 'drive-by media'

    October 11, 2021

    If there was any faith remaining in the American media and its promise to be fair and accurate, new polling suggests the public has lost confidence in what little trust was left.

  • McAuliffe making Dems uneasy in bid for second term

    McAuliffe making Dems uneasy in bid for second term

    October 11, 2021

    Political observers are watching a tight race for Virginia governor, where the red-turned-blue state could see Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin win back the office if Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe keeps stepping on political rakes.

  • What has become of salvation?

    What has become of salvation?

    October 11, 2021

    We think we know a better way now than, say, the apostles did in explaining what it means to be saved. For example, if we have our own version of "truth," then we don't really believe Jesus has been raised from the dead.

  • Women are to be cherished … not conscripted, says group

    Women are to be cherished … not conscripted, says group

    October 11, 2021

    A group of conservative leaders is calling on Republican senators to reject an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act that would subject America's daughters to Selective Service.

  • Virginia county leaders vote to 'create divisiveness'

    Virginia county leaders vote to 'create divisiveness'

    October 11, 2021

    A conservative commentator thinks a board of supervisors voting to study the country's past discrimination and discuss possible reparations for it is counterproductive.

  • Anti-Semitism now required

    Anti-Semitism now required

    October 11, 2021

    Leading up to yesterday's deadline, California Governor Gavin Newsom was encouraged to veto a bill mandating ethnic studies as a high school graduation requirement.