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Mike Pence is being criticized by a longtime defender after the former vice president defended the FBI and Department of Justice.
While a chaplain is thankful that former Chief Justice Roy Moore has won his defamation suit against a far-left PAC, he says the people are still at a loss.
With the recent death of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan, al Qaeda has only suffered a small setback. As one global security export explains, the plotting of deadly attacks against the United States has not been eliminated.
Chances of a Republican takeover of the Senate are growing bleaker, despite the fact Joe Biden's popularity remains in the tank.
A scientist who promotes a deeper public understanding of the value of human life warns that what one might describe as weird science could turn into an ethical quagmire.
We are temporary residents in this physical world. If you're a believer, you're a pilgrim on a journey and cannot become too enmeshed in this world. Your job is to represent Christ, to serve the Lord and prioritize for eternity.
A pro-family group is asking if there is one physician at Boston Children’s Hospital who will denounce the well-respected pediatric hospital that is bragging about performing life-altering surgeries on mentally-confused children as if it found a cure for cancer.
Even though it may seem like no big deal to drop the Pledge of Allegiance at school board meetings, sadly, this is part of an on-going pattern to strip away any sense of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
A recently published poll indicates that one of America's critical institutions – journalism – is in deep trouble: the public's confidence in the news media is at an all-time low.
Some young Americans in Fresno, California are suing their community college to ensure everyone's right to free expression.