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A strict abortion law in Oklahoma is being criticized for being disrespectful to women's abortion rights but the bill’s author says the state is protecting the most innocent.
New Mexico's pro-abortion governor wants to use taxpayer money to fund an entity that will kill unborn children – but a pro-life group says those millions can be better spent in the struggling state.
One expert says the nation's largest Catholic archdiocese was wrong to invite a pro-euthanasia physician to teach about the ethics of end-of-life issues.
A former math teacher in Kansas has been awarded a settlement after she was penalized for calling students by their legal names.
Universities in America should be free to do what they want – but not on my dime. What our smiling president is calling loan forgiveness is actually debt transfer … and it's no way to build a nation of strong character.
Though most young adults in America are getting news on a daily basis, a Christian apologist says since they are mostly getting it from social media, they remain uninformed.
In a rare legal victory over a city’s homosexual-defending public accommodation ordinance, a federal judge ruled the city of Louisville, Kentucky violated the free speech rights of a Christian business owner.
Religious freedom advocates are celebrating a recent win at the Fifth Circuit over another attack on physicians' right to abide by their conscience.
Directors and executives at Starbucks are being sued for their part in implementing the company's "patently illegal" discrimination.
According to an organization dedicated to the "defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within," the pope continues to signal the liberalization of Church standards.