
Search Results for "election integrity"

Found 112 records when searching for election integrity

  • Joe Biden's perpetual 'opposite day'

    Joe Biden's perpetual 'opposite day'

    May 02, 2023

    When President Biden declares he wants a second term "to finish the job," it should send a shiver down every liberty-loving American's spine.

  • 'Moderate' Manchin ripe for the picking, say observers

    'Moderate' Manchin ripe for the picking, say observers

    May 02, 2023

    Conservative pundits are optimistic Republicans in West Virginia will be able to oust Democrat Joe Manchin from his Senate seat next year – and they think the state's current governor might just be the fellow to pull it off.

  • Christian educator: The fix is in … but God can intervene

    Christian educator: The fix is in … but God can intervene

    April 27, 2023

    A former GOP congresswoman turned political pundit is convinced Democrats are not worried about the 2024 election because they have figured out how they can rig it.

  • A hard sell: Biden the best Democrats have to offer

    A hard sell: Biden the best Democrats have to offer

    April 25, 2023

    Abysmal poll numbers haven't discouraged Joe Biden from deciding to seek another four years in the Oval Office – and evidently his party's leaders are still onboard with him. All of which baffles conservative pundits who are hard-pressed to understand why.

  • A reminder for the GOP: We've got a country to save

    A reminder for the GOP: We've got a country to save

    April 19, 2023

    A conservative activist says Republican infighting must stop if the party hopes to win back the White House next year.

  • The culture of life versus the culture of death

    The culture of life versus the culture of death

    April 11, 2023

    What America is witnessing are not isolated events but evidence of a growing culture of death that defies respect for life, the integrity of the human body, the family, sexuality ... and the Creator, against whom it hasn't a chance.

  • Polls say 'it's over' for DeSantis but Florida guv making new supporters

    Polls say 'it's over' for DeSantis but Florida guv making new supporters

    April 06, 2023

    Considering a primary fight is all but certain between Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis over the GOP nomination for president, the view from a conservative activist in Pennsylvania and a tea party leader in Ohio demonstrates the varied opinions among politically engaged voters.

  • After 2020's changes, swing state Dems win again

    After 2020's changes, swing state Dems win again

    February 10, 2023

    A pro-family activist in Pennsylvania hopes conservative voters see the state's upcoming Supreme Court election as a chance to restore election integrity.

  • Will Biden continue to weaponize the Department of Justice?

    Will Biden continue to weaponize the Department of Justice?

    November 30, 2022

    Look for the Biden administration to continue to use federal law enforcement resources, such as the DOJ and the Joint Terrorism Task Force, to shut down their political opponents and stifle dissent.

  • Ellis: Don't let media downplay 'red trickle' that made waves

    Ellis: Don't let media downplay 'red trickle' that made waves

    November 11, 2022

    The midterm elections are being viewed by both Republicans and Democrats as more of a torrential downpour than the predicted “red tsunami,” but a well-known conservative voice says to ignore media reports that are downplaying good news and good signs.