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The social Left has been in control of virtually all levers of culture and policy for decades – and now they demand more control in order to alleviate the consequences of the chaos they themselves have created.
The bad news is Disney is putting its financial support behind an animated TV shows that went all-in on white guilt and revisionist history, but a black conservative activist says the good news is Disney is being punished for its over-the-top wokeness.
Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has made it official: she's entering the 2024 presidential race.
The pro-life community has said for years a black baby in the womb is the main target of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and now official statistics just confirm that grim warning.
America's youngest governor continues to have people talking, especially about her new education plan.
The U.S. government says it is examining the China-owned spy balloon that was shot down and retrieved from the Atlantic, which could shed light on China’s motives and its surveillance capabilities, but looming in the background is a drip-drip confession fighter jets may have blasted other innocent targets from the air on orders from the White House.
Pro-life pregnancy centers are hoping they're successful in obtaining fair treatment from some Internet giants.
The constant trickle of lies coming out of Washington became a gusher this past week, compliments of some former Twitter execs and our own chief executive, Joe Biden.
A police officer who quit his job rather than deny his Christian faith says he is determined to defend others being forced to hide their beliefs in a culture that opposes a biblical worldview.
Echoing the words last week of Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders, Donald Trump says what the Biden administration is doing is "crazy" – and is destroying America. But he also dumped on a fellow Republican who could possibly be his biggest hurdle for a second term.