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Ken Cuccinelli isn't the only key member of Donald Trump's team no longer around for the 2024 presidential run. But he's the only one who has started a Political Action Committee supporting Ron DeSantis, Trump's chief rival for the Republican nomination.
A Christian organization is growing strong in a culture that seems to have turned its back on biblical thinking.
An advocate for a unified America warns that the idea of segregating medical students could amount to racial and medical rationing.
Americans should rejoice in the fact that there is, in the Middle East, a country that believes in democracy and stands in contrast to all the countries around it.
Troubling accusations are pouring in about Justice Clarence Thomas over his longtime friendship with an influential billionaire, and how the justice benefited from it, but what Democrats are calling a demand for justice and transparency is being described as a political hit job.
God's Word instructs us to be generous, cheerful givers. Giving anonymously ensures that God gets the glory – not us. If you're looking for ideas how to give money anonymously, listen to these 4 suggestions from author Bob Lotich.
An Illinois town recently became the first in the state to ensure that it would not be the setting for abortions.
The Christian faith, through the Judeo-Christian worldview, gave the United States liberty, prosperity and stability like no other nation on earth. Secularists, atheists and the like need to tolerate this worldview if America is to remain strong.
A federal, class-action lawsuit will be one to keep an eye on if it pulls the curtain back on backdoor collusion that censored and punished unwanted views about election fraud and the COVID-19 shot.
Oklahoma’s governor Kevin Stitt is being vilified by critics as a culture-crushing villain after he cut funds for PBS programming from the state budget but the Republican says he is fighting 'indoctrination” of innocent kids in children’s cartoons.