Trail Life USA was formed in 2014 as the Boy Scouts began turning against God. Though "on my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God" is the beginning of the Scout oath, the organization has become one that promotes "diversity" by allowing homosexuals to serve in leadership positions and permitting girls to join the troops.
Trail Life Executive Director Mark Hancock says his Christ-centered, boy-focused mentoring program has been growing steadily since the start, and now, it has reached a milestone.

"We have 1,000 troops in all 50 states," he tells AFN. "We have about 50,000 members now participating, and in that 50,000, you're going to find about 17,000-18,000 adults around the country who understand that it's valuable to pour their lives into focusing on the next generation. Men are stepping up and taking their place to provide godly leadership for boys all over the country."
The growth might also be attributed to the fact that parents want to fortify their boys to combat the woke culture.
"It's a great indicator that parents are saying that they need to have their sons in a place with people who have their shared values," Hancock submits. "The culture is so questionable on issues that we used to take for granted, and parents are saying, 'Listen, I need my son in an organization where we're surrounded by men and women who happen to share our values in the way that we're raising our children.'"
Trail Life aims to produce godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens and to guide generations of "courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure."
American Heritage Girls, the faith-based, scout-type program for girls, likewise has troops in every American state as well as in 15 countries throughout the world.