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A bill that would halt U.S. contributions to UNRWA could soon make its way to the House floor.
Kinsey Institute, the controversial research facility named after the twisted sex researcher, remains in operation at the Indiana University even after the state legislature ended its funding.
A long-time Republican congressman is challenging the World Health Organization's push to include abortion on demand in a pandemic "treaty" that would be imposed on almost 200 countries worldwide.
A national defense analyst, already concerned about NATO and Russia creeping towards war, says he is not dismissing threats from to Russia to re-introduce nuclear weapons in Cuba.
Texas is the fork in the road … and Americans can choose to validate the Founding Fathers – or they can choose something else.
A conservative advocate isn't surprised that employees at CNN are upset with the network for what they call a "systemic and institutional bias toward Israel."
A pro-life activist says he is grateful Congress is fighting the abortion-defending Biden administration that is prosecuting pro-life activists and attempting to put them behind bars for their beliefs.
A family advocate hopes the law will prevail over a Texas teacher who's been providing a secret selection of so-called "banned books" for her students.
An economist with The Heritage Foundation warns that the record level of credit card debt in America will impact the entire country – not just those individuals and families who are in debt.
Massachusetts could face a lawsuit over its public health commissioner's problem with pro-life doctors.