Sources within the network complain that CNN is not giving equal time to Hamas and the Palestinians. One employee calls it "journalistic malpractice."
Gary Bauer of American Values says like in the political realm, the partisan lines among journalists do not hold when it comes to the war in Gaza.

"You've got people at the top that have been around for a while and understand the basis of the US/Israel alliance and also understand how evil antisemitism is," he notes.
On the other end of the spectrum, he points out that most of the newer journalists at CNN graduated from heavily biased journalism schools and brought their extreme left views into the newsroom. Bauer says the same divide exists in Congress.
"With others that we see -- The Squad in Congress, people like Bernie Sanders, who's an old guy but he's embraced some of the new wokeness, etcetera -- we see folks that not only dislike Israel, but profoundly dislike the United States," Bauer observes.
Ultimately, he says, the divide is more spiritual than anything else -- not that many of the pro-Israel reporters and politicians are aware of that.
"When God had a meeting in the desert with Abram and said, 'I will be your God, and you will be my people,' that put the Jewish people at the center of the great struggle throughout the history of mankind," Bauer regards.
According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails, daily news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta that have set strict guidelines on coverage.
They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must reportedly be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.