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If the idea is that Israel will win its war against Hamas because the terrorists will run out of money and resources … well, it looks like that goal is a long way off.
The Bible's inerrancy and infallibility can be confirmed despite our lack of original manuscripts. The copies we have were made with great care and attention to detail, ensuring the accuracy of the content.
The World Health Organization meets in Geneva early next week, on Monday, it will face at least some resistance when it tries to push a pandemic preparedness agreement over the world's finish line.
Acting as a First Amendment watchdog, a religious liberty law firm is documenting left-wing activism within the most powerful bank in the United States and is now, finally, seeing small signs of progress.
A young missionary couple serving in Haiti was attacked and killed Thursday night by gangs in the capital of Port-au-Prince, according to their mission agency and numerous social media posts. Also killed was the agency's Haitian director.
Israel has known all along that Hamas commandeers aid shipments and that Gazan aid organizations are ineffective. That shouldn't have surprised the Biden administration, if they were willing to listen to America's strongest ally in the Middle East.
As a Republican lawmaker in Oklahoma is finding out, the biggest obstacle between public school students in his red state and religious instruction isn't the law – it's the messaging.
A law enforcement advocate is hopeful the progressive mecca of Portland is making genuine progress after a law-and-order candidate defeated his own boss, a far-left, Soros-backed prosecutor.
A major pro-life group has launched a campaign to keep the Republican Party pro-life.
A Middle East expert says she is not surprised the Biden administration offered condolences to the Iranian regime after its murderous president died in a helicopter crash.