An effort to keep deadly infection from spreading

An effort to keep deadly infection from spreading

An effort to keep deadly infection from spreading

A major pro-life group has launched a campaign to keep the Republican Party pro-life.

Kristi Hamrick of Students for Life Action points out that the Republican Party has long benefited from what Ronald Reagan called the three legs of the conservative stool: economic, social, and national defense conservatives.

Hamrick, Kristi (Students for Life) Hamrick

"Social conservatives have been the backbone of the Republican Party," she submits. "Right now, we're not surprised that because some people aren't truly committed to protecting women and the pre-born, that some Republicans want to back off on the issue, do not want to keep the life issue as part of the three-legged stool of the GOP. But that would be a mistake."

Hamrick likens the effort to fighting an infection from spreading.

"Students for Life Action has launched a GOP for LIFE project for the purpose of talking to Republican leaders all across this country, state by state, and getting our supporters in each and every state to reach out to the party so that they can hear from us and know that we want a strong pro-life party and we want true pro-life options when we vote."

The organization has submitted a letter asking the Republican National Committee leadership to commit to protecting life in law and in service in the party platform.

Conversely, Democrats support taxpayers footing the bill for abortion for any reason up to birth.