
Search Results for "election integrity"

Found 115 records when searching for election integrity

  • Only one reason to oppose voter integrity

    Only one reason to oppose voter integrity

    September 13, 2021

    A legal scholar says the state of Texas was right to reform its election laws, and the mainstream media is wrong to criticize lawmakers for doing so.

  • Dems defeated in special session

    Dems defeated in special session

    August 30, 2021

    A former Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas is pleased that her state has finally advanced important measures aimed at preventing voter fraud.

  • 'Insurrection' claim grows weaker as 'conspiracy' case falls apart

    'Insurrection' claim grows weaker as 'conspiracy' case falls apart

    August 23, 2021

    Democrats framed the Jan. 6 riots on Capitol Hill as crazed Donald Trump supporters threatening America’s delicate democracy, and they brazenly used the violence and chaos to impeach him, but new information is further eroding the Left’s claims that right-wing terrorists attempted an armed insurrection against our nation.

  • Inaction then, a 'sad situation' now

    Inaction then, a 'sad situation' now

    August 11, 2021

    A former Republican leader says the legislative crisis in Texas could have been avoided if Republicans had made voter integrity the number-one priority of the regular 2021 legislative session.

  • Scrubbing of 'dead names' a critical step toward election integrity

    Scrubbing of 'dead names' a critical step toward election integrity

    August 06, 2021

    A Wisconsin-based conservative law firm says it's about time that election officials in the Badger State have removed more than 200,000 voters from the rolls in an effort to keep the state's election lists up to date.

  • Return of the Fleebagger Democrats

    Return of the Fleebagger Democrats

    July 21, 2021

    Everything that Democrats' political enemies do subverts and sabotages "democracy" – but when cut-and-run Democrats evade their own basic duties of representative government, resistance suddenly is patriotic again.

  • So much relies on election integrity

    So much relies on election integrity

    July 20, 2021

    The chairman of the Arizona Republican Party says there is so much evidence of "funny business" in the 2020 election that audits must be conducted throughout the country.

  • Reports of America's death are greatly exaggerated

    Reports of America's death are greatly exaggerated

    July 15, 2021

    Look up hyperbole in the dictionary, and you'll find a description of President Joe Biden's speech Tuesday at Philadelphia's National Constitution Center, warning Americans that state election security bills are a "21st Century Jim Crow assault" on democracy.

  • Pastors among those losing faith in election system

    Pastors among those losing faith in election system

    July 15, 2021

    One of the 72 Ohio pastors who gave a vote of no confidence to Dominion voting machines says the devices played a part in infecting Christians with a "dangerous mindset" in the last presidential election.

  • Arizona voting laws pose no 'threats to republic'

    Arizona voting laws pose no 'threats to republic'

    July 02, 2021

    A U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld voting security measures in Arizona may energize other states to take action.