
Search Results for "election integrity"

Found 112 records when searching for election integrity

  • Laughing at all of the Democrats' laughable lies

    Laughing at all of the Democrats' laughable lies

    November 23, 2021

    On Feb. 12, 1974, the day he was arrested and then exiled, the great Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn released an essay, “Live Not by Lies.” In it, he urged his countrymen to reject the communist regime’s falsehoods and to stand together for the truth.

  • You've gotta fight for the Right in the Party

    You've gotta fight for the Right in the Party

    November 18, 2021

    We're less than a year away from a midterm election that could stop the Biden agenda in its tracks. If Republicans can't even stop that agenda in their own party, what voter in their right mind would turn out for the GOP?

  • I'm done with 'good intentions'

    I'm done with 'good intentions'

    November 16, 2021

    Conservative pundits need to stop accusing Joe Biden and company of "incompetence." This is all by design – and these folks are playing for keeps.

  • Adams: Army of poll watchers helped keep VA races honest

    Adams: Army of poll watchers helped keep VA races honest

    November 09, 2021

    An election watchdog says Republicans in Virginia created a voter integrity model that should be used throughout the country in elections moving forward.

  • If rules don't matter, America's lost

    If rules don't matter, America's lost

    October 25, 2021

    Looking ahead to the 2022 midterm elections, a former Justice Department attorney remains concerned about election integrity.

  • Dem stronghold sued in VA just weeks from Election Day

    Dem stronghold sued in VA just weeks from Election Day

    October 21, 2021

    Political observers are paying attention to polls and voter enthusiasm in blue-leaning Virginia, where a race for governor has narrowed and where an election lawsuit has been filed in the Democratic stronghold of Fairfax County.

  • Virginia gave us the American Revolution … and may do so again

    Virginia gave us the American Revolution … and may do so again

    October 19, 2021

    Over the next three weeks, Virginia will be Ground Zero in the resistance movement to take back America from a socialist-dominated Democrat Party.

  • Only one reason to oppose voter integrity

    Only one reason to oppose voter integrity

    September 13, 2021

    A legal scholar says the state of Texas was right to reform its election laws, and the mainstream media is wrong to criticize lawmakers for doing so.

  • Dems defeated in special session

    Dems defeated in special session

    August 30, 2021

    A former Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas is pleased that her state has finally advanced important measures aimed at preventing voter fraud.

  • 'Insurrection' claim grows weaker as 'conspiracy' case falls apart

    'Insurrection' claim grows weaker as 'conspiracy' case falls apart

    August 23, 2021

    Democrats framed the Jan. 6 riots on Capitol Hill as crazed Donald Trump supporters threatening America’s delicate democracy, and they brazenly used the violence and chaos to impeach him, but new information is further eroding the Left’s claims that right-wing terrorists attempted an armed insurrection against our nation.