Poll suggests public isn't sold on Big Brother's save-the-planet pleas

Poll suggests public isn't sold on Big Brother's save-the-planet pleas

Poll suggests public isn't sold on Big Brother's save-the-planet pleas

After a recent poll found many people refuse to put down money for an electric vehicle, a skeptic of climate alarmism says the Biden administration’s carrot-and-stick approach isn’t fooling anyone.

“People aren't stupid,” Marc Morano, of Climate Depot, says of the public’s skepticism of electric cars and the climate-obsessed federal government that is pushing them.

In the Associated Press-NORC Center poll, 46% said they are “not likely” or “not at all likely” to purchase an electric vehicle. Only 21% said they are “very” or “extremely” like to buy an EV for their next car. Only 9% in the survey said they own or lease an EV. 

The poll, conducted in March and April, surveyed 6,265 adults in cooperation with the Energy Policy Institute, an anti-fossil fuel research facility located at the University of Chicago.

Not surprisingly, younger people told the pollster they are more open to purchasing an EV but even that number was only about half, according to a related Associated Press story.

According to Morano, the AP and climate researchers would be surprised to learn many Americans know an EV is not even an “earth-friendly” invention to help the planet.

“It takes half a million pounds of dug-up materials from the earth to make one 1,000-pound, average-size Tesla battery,” Morano says. “And they know that all of that material is coming from China. They know it's coming from the lowest environmental standards.”

In fact, the AP story quotes a Florida resident who told the wire service EVs “don’t make any environmental sense,” because of the precious metals that must be mined to make batteries.

The story also acknowledges that freezing temperatures can slow chemical reactions in the EV batteries, which depletes their power and reduces the driving range.

The AP story comes just days after the Environmental Protection Agency announced it is giving automobile manufacturers a deadline of 2031 – just seven years – to build new vehicles that average 38 miles per gallon. The current standard is 29 miles per gallon.

EPA officials claim that 38-miles-per-gallon requirement is “less stringent” than recent figures the EPA proposed and gives the auto industry “flexibility” to focus on electric vehicles, the AP story said.

During President Biden's first term, the fossil fuel-hating Biden administration has maintained a love-hate relationship with Big Oil and American drivers. During the summer of 2022, a huge spike in gas prices averaged $5.01 nationwide, which hurt everyone from mothers and their minivans to farmers and over-the-road truckers.

When voters blamed Biden for the price at the pump, he blamed Russia's invasion of Ukraine and accused oil companies of "war profiteering," even though the administration viewed the pain at the pump as a good, hard lesson for stubborn drivers.

Jennifer Granholm, the U.S. Energy Secretary, literally laughed during a 2021 Fox Business interview when asked about her plan to increase U.S. oil production.

"This is hilarious," she said. "Would that I had a magic wand." 

President Biden, however, had signed numerous executive orders during his first year in office to slow down or stop oil drilling. 

Morano, Marc (Climate Depot) Morano

The U.S. is going through an "incredible transition," President Biden told American drivers a year later, but the world will be "less reliant of fossil fuels when this is over." 

Meanwhile, the Biden administration recently admitted it has built only seven charging stations across the U.S. from a $7.8 billion infrastructure bill President Biden signed in 2021. 

“I don't think the Associated Press is capable of understanding this: people are very suspicious when something is mandated, when something is forced on you for your own good, or for the alleged good of the planet,” Morano tells AFN.