19 conservative peers have signed onto Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes' (R) letter to Secretary Gina Raimondo of the U.S. Department of Commerce that warns President Biden's recent executive order on "Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence" seeks to bypass congressional authorization to "centralize governmental control over an emerging technology being developed by the private sector."
Abraham Hamilton III, attorney for the American Family Association (AFA), points out that the government is not allowed to use eminent domain to take over a new technology.

"This is the latest in a continuous demonstration from the Biden regime that they have no affinity, let alone adherence, to our United States Constitution," he comments. "Because they've been able to do all of these things with very little consequence, they're simply attempting to do it yet again."
Reyes' letter notes that the president's executive order "opens the door to using the federal government's control over AI for political ends, such as censoring responses in the name of combatting 'disinformation.'"
Hamilton says the Biden administration has already weaponized several sections of the federal government against conservatives, including the FBI, the IRS, and the Justice Department.
"We've gotten to the place in our country to where, one, many of our citizens are constitutionally illiterate, and then two, we have an Oval Office occupant who has demonstrated rank antipathy for the U.S. Constitution," the attorney laments.
The other states that joined Utah in the letter were Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.